2025-2026 Booz Allen grant
Calling ALL Hawaii FIRST teams – Explore, Challenge, FTC & FRC! Booz Allen has put together an amazing grant opportunity…
2024 Tee Shirt Order Form
Teams can pre-order season t-shirts for themselves, parents, etc. in advance (please order through a team, and include payment on…
FIRST LEGO League Challenge is an entry-level robotics program for 9-14 year olds using a LEGO Mindstorm robot kit to meet an annual robotic and research challenge based on real world issues.
FIRST LEGO League Challenge RePLAY Robot Game Season 2020-21
Will virtual interviews be recorded?
No, due to data and privacy reasons, we will not record the virtual interviews.
starting a team
FIRST® Robotics brings theory and practice together in a revolutionary program. FLL gets kids to combine what they’ve learned in the classroom with the latest technologies to solve the season’s challenge.
Working in an environment that encourages inquiry and hands-on experimentation, team members fulfill project responsibilities modeled after actual professions. The roles they assume grant them the thrill of discovery as they witness firsthand how abstract concepts become concrete solutions.
FIRST® Robotics Teams are comprised of:
- Three to ten young learners, ages nine to fourteen (sixteen outside the U.S. and Canada)
- Two adult coaches
- Mentors (optional)
Anyone can form a team—schools, home schools, churches, neighborhood groups, civic groups, clubs, troops, etc.
FIRST® Robotics team participants, with the help of the adult coach and mentors:
- Research the real-world issue presented in the challenge.
- Design, build and program an autonomous robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS technologies.
- Research and solve a problem faced by real-world scientists and present their findings and innovative solutions.
- Compete in friendly, sports-like tournaments with the knowledge that what is discovered is more important than what is won.
- Proudly celebrate their teams’ accomplishments.
Team members learn life skills, such as respect for others, appreciation of different perspectives, cooperation, perseverance and time management. As a result of the FIRST® Robotics experience, participants gain confidence, discover new skills and interests, and shape their futures—as they, in turn, shape ours. Learn more about how FIRST® Robotics works or find out how to get involved by visiting