New FLL Season Kickoff Oct 30!

We are gearing up for the Hawaii FLL Challenge 2021-2022 season! The planning committee has worked hard to put together tentative dates for this year’s events.
We want to find out from our teams how YOUR plans are going. We know things are still evolving as we navigate state health guidelines but please take a moment and let us know what your current participation plans are by filling out this survey by August 22, 2021.
To help you with your decisions here is what the Hawaii FLL Challenge Cargo Connect season looks like so far.
This year teams across Hawaii participated in a largely virtual season. The 2020-21 FLL Explore theme, PLAYMAKERS, challenged teams to think of new ways to play and move, while applying FIRST Core Values to create a team model. Hawaii FIRST Robotics held a FLL Explore PLAYMAKERS Expo, and here are the FLL Explore Expo Awards for the 2020-2021 season!
Challenge Solution Award: HMS Dolphins (Team 1675)
Core Values Award: The Troublemakers (Team 23632)
Team Model Award: Ripstick Replayers (Team 21597)
Team Model Award: HCAP Revolutionary Warriors (Team 19432)
Congratulations to all the coaches and students who participated during this challenging season! See you next year!
Thank you for your patience as we have endured this most unusual FIRST Robotics season. As promised, we will be hosting a virtual Hawaii State Expo on Saturday, March 6, 2021. While the current circumstances prevent us from celebrating in person, we still hope it will be a day for our Hawaii FLL Explore teams to celebrate and share the results of their hard work and creative efforts. During the virtual Expo, teams will have the opportunity to present their models and answer questions from reviewers.
If you have an FLL Explore team registered with FIRST for the 2020-2021 season and would like to join the Hawaii State Expo, please complete our Form no later than February 19, 2021 so we know how many teams and students plan to participate on March 6th.
There is no additional fee to participate in the Expo. We may need additional information from you on the FIRST Remote Event Hub in the coming weeks as soon as we get more instruction from FIRST. In the meantime, please register your team through the link above, and submit any questions you have on the Form.
Thank you for your dedication to our youngest FIRST teams!