Know someone who can’t attend the Tournament and Championship?
Matches will be streamed LIVE on Twitch. Share the link with friends and families.

Know someone who can’t attend the Tournament and Championship?
Matches will be streamed LIVE on Twitch. Share the link with friends and families.
Get ALL the information you need for the FTC Championship right here!
[NOTE: information in this update may be outdated. Refer to more recent FTC Updates for the latest information.
Aloha Teams,
This update includes important items you will need to plan for the next two weeks. Although some details were shared with you in previous emails, this update includes new/revised details not included previously.
Please read carefully and update your calendar as needed.
In this update:
League Rankings Online
Final League Rankings determine a team’s seed position at the Tournament. Rankings may be viewed at THIS LINK.
Engineering Portfolio & (optional) Control Award Submissions: Link & Deadline
Judge Interviews at the FTC League Tournament, Dec. 9
Judge Interview Request Form
Coaches, please tell us, Yes or No, does your team wish to be interviewed? Click the link to send your answer. Mahalo!
FTC League Tournament Agenda, Dec. 9 @ Le Jardin Academy
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Hawai’i FTC League Tournament on Saturday, Dec. 9. at Le Jardin Academy.
All Hawai’i teams are invited to compete.
Please share this tentative agenda with your team members and families. Times are subject to change.
Day 1: Saturday, Dec. 9, League Tournament Agenda (rev. Dec 4)
7:30 am Teams, please check-in & help set up
8:00 am Inspections, Judge Interviews, Practice
10:10 am Drivers Meeting
10:30 am Opening Ceremony
10:45 am Robot Matches
12:30 pm Lunch Break
1:10 pm Robot Matches Continued
4:15 pm Awards
5:00 pm Teams, please help us put away things and clean up the venue! Mahalo
The top 16 ranked Teams from the League Tournament advance to the State Championship.
FTC State Championship Agenda, Dec. 10 @ Le Jardin Academy
The Hawaii Regional Championship Tournament format is described in Game Manual 1. Here is how the format applies to the Hawaii Regional Championship:
All 16 qualified teams will play 5 qualification matches each in randomly selected alliances. The teams will then be ranked based on their qualification match scores only, past league performance scores are not considered. The four top-ranked teams will select an alliance partner. These four alliances will then compete in elimination matches.
The Inspire Award Winner and the Winning Alliance Captain (the team that selected a partner) will advance to the FIRST World Championship in Houston, TX.
Day 2: Sunday, Dec. 10, Hawai’i Championship Agenda (rev. Dec. 4)
7:30 am Teams, please check-in
8:00 Inspections, Practice
9:15 am Drivers Meeting
9:30 am Opening Ceremony
10:05 am Qualification Matches, Alliance Selection
12:30 pm Lunch Break
1:10 pm Elimination Matches
3:00 pm Awards
3:30 pm Closing Ceremony
Mililani League #6 Reminders
Current League Rankings may be viewed at THIS LINK.
Note, rankings are subject to change until all league events are complete.
Engineering Portfolio & Control Award Submissions: Link & Deadline
Judge Interviews at the Tournament, Dec. 9 (reminder)
Dec. 9, 2023 Hawai’i League Tournament at Le Jardin Academy
Dec. 10, 2023 Hawai’i Championship at Le Jardin Academy
Hawai’i FTC Team Update Nov. 9, 2023
Aloha Teams,
We hope your competitions are progressing well. We’ve made a significant change to the season schedule. Please share the details with your team. As always, email us if you have any questions.
Mahalo! Aaron, Blake, & Peter
Due to an extreme shortage of volunteer judges, Hawai’i Partners have found it necessary to modify the season schedule as follows:
Season Schedule (revised)
Dean’s List Nomination Deadline Nov. 15
Teams can pre-order season t-shirts for themselves, parents, etc. in advance (please order through a team, and include payment on one check) and to pick them up at the Waialua on November 13.
Download the 2023 Tee Shirt Order Form here
UPDATED: Oct. 22, 2023
Mark your calendars!
Here is a listing of all Hawai’i League events along with teams competing at each one. Also included is an index to Hawai’i teams and their sponsoring organizations.
A team’s performance at League meets determine its’ seed position at the Tournament in December. League venues include ‘Iolani School, Island School (Lihue, Kauai), Kalani High School, Assets School (Alewa Hts), and Mililani High School. Questions and comments are welcome at <>
Season Schedule of Events with Participating Teams List
FTC Rookie Grants & PDP Rookie Grants (US, Canada, and Mexico)
The FTC Rookie Grant is back! This grant is meant for underserved/Underrepresented Rookie FTC teams. Teams can apply directly here:
Grants will be awarded weekly. Apply now before grants run out!
Aloha Coaches,
The League Selection Form has been emailed to all registered coaches.
If you have not received yours, email us at