Three types of judges interview teams at the tournament.
1. Core Value Judges
Observe and ask questions about team interaction and collaboration. Part of the interview involves completing a team activity. Instructions for this activity is given to team members after they enter the interview room.
2. Project Judges
Listens and watches the team presentation that includes identifying a problem related to the season’s theme, presenting their innovative solution and telling how they shared their project. Teams have five (5) minutes to set up and complete their presentation. In most cases, tournament coordinators provide only an electrical connection or outlet and teams provide their own supplies that may include a computer, projector, etc.
3. Robot Design Judges
Listens to the teams Robot Design Executive Summary and may request a demonstration of the robot. Teams should have ready to share a printout of programming for the robot.
Q & A is part of the interview. All team members are to be present for the interviews. Only judges and team members are in the interview rooms, video of the interview is not permitted.