Hawai`i FRC Regional – Week 4 (22-25 March 2023)

FRC Teams – we have firmed up the Regional schedule and are locked in for Week 4!    

Mark your calendars for 22-25 March 2023! More to follow….

Webinar: Modular Robot Design optimized for shipping

Since already-expensive robot shipping costs have only gotten higher, I wanted to offer an opportunity to learn more about how to build a modular robot that can be disassembled for shipment as excess airline baggage.  There is a very experienced team out of San Diego (1622) who attended our regional a few years ago and has offered to host a webinar on modular robot design.   Please let me know if you are interested, and I’ll set something up!

Thanks to those of you that have already responded. I’ll share a date for that when it’s scheduled.



Hawai`i FRC Regional Director

Email: hifrcrd@gmail.com

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